A Week of Angry White Men

Angry White Men II is now on display at the Visual Space Gallery.

I invite you all to attend the Artist Talk this Sunday March 24, 2019 , 1-2 PM “Why Paint Angry White Men?” Questions and discussion to follow. Please come.

I’ve had all sorts of responses to this exhibit so far: “Intense”, “Fascinating work” and even “Epic!” (from a passing 11-year-old boy). It is a difficult exhibit, full of colorful paintings with distasteful subject matter, made all the more painful by how closely it reflects the reality of today’s world.

Between the time of an interview with CBC’s North by Northwest on Thursday morning and the airing on Saturday’s radio program, the horrific events in Christchurch New Zealand occurred. I take heart knowing that one brave man pursued the killer and likely saved many more people by doing so. These terrorists are bullies and cowards, wildly and willfully misinformed.

A big thank you to all who came to the reception on Saturday evening. The delicious food was made by Chef Claire. The paintings were framed by Graham Warren of Westart and hung brilliantly by Cole and Moses of Thiessen Art Services. That so many people came and looked and talked and understood made me proud to be a Canadian.

Sheryl Mackay of CBC Radio interviewed me for her weekend program North by Northwest. She is wonderfully skilled at this, armed with insightful questions and a warmth that comes through in her voice and demeanor. I hope you will have a chance to listen.

I would also like to thank Gabrielle Lynch-Staunton who wrote an article in the BCMJ about my leaving medicine, available here as a PDF

I’ll be turning to landscape works for the next six months with my series of “Island Paintings” – in particular, paintings of Quadra Island and the Discovery Islands near and beyond Campbell River. I plan to show them mid-September at the Visual Space Gallery on Dunbar in Vancouver. The reception will be on Saturday September 14, 2019. Later next year, I plan to return for one more exploration of Angry White Men – this time focusing more on the truly evil puppet-masters: the trollers, enablers, and distorters of truth.