Spring Greetings! Welcome to old friends and new connections. I hope this short missive finds you all safe and warm, in good health and spirits.
I joined Gallery 110 in 2009 and began regular trips south to Seattle. I discovered a group of dedicated fellow-artists and friends as well as a favorite place to stay: Pensione Nichols with its spectacular view of Elliott Bay; a favorite place to eat: Le Pichet with its fantastic Lyon-style caramelized onion soup; several favorite viewpoints – each at a particular time of day.
All were lost to me for almost two years. Pensione Nichols, closed forever.
While cut off from visiting, I began painting. I worked to evoke the light in the gloaming – before dawn, at sunset, and crepuscule – the times of night when there is still just enough light to reveal shape and form, when the dim light’s glow provokes feelings of anticipation and longing.
So, with strong emotions I now return, albeit still masked, to offer 20 + paintings: colored shards of the light on Elliott Bay.
MAY 5 – 28, 2022
Reception: May 6, 4 – 5:30 PM*
Hours: Noon – 5 pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday
*Please let me know if you attend so I can send you an invitation, and our plan to respect COVID and the latest Omicron subvariant BA.2. Parking is available directly across the street from Gallery 110 until 6 PM.
Please enjoy my new images of the Seattle harbor for Nocturnes IV, Return to Elliott Bay, as well as the artist statement for the exhibit. My fellow Gallery 110 artist, Nick Riesland, will be exhibiting his beautiful abstractions in the West gallery. Nick and I are planning a reception on Friday May 6th from 4-5:30 PM. We plan to serve wine, a remarkable new vintage rosé from Barking Dog Winery high on the north slope of the Willamette Valley. We would love to invite you. If the requirements of a larger group meeting don’t work for you, I still hope to see you during May.

Nocturne – View from 49th Floor IV, Acrylic on Multimedia Artboard, 2022. 8 x 40 inches, $3200 CND/ 2575 USD
I plan to be down in Seattle every weekend during my exhibition, sitting the Gallery on Friday & Saturday Noon-5 PM. Come visit me! Let me know when you would like to come. I can even schedule myself to open early or stay open late to accommodate your busy life. I will have coffee, tea and fresh home-baked goodies to refresh body and spirit. I would love a chance to catch up on your last two years and learn your plans going forward. It has been too long!
MAY 6, 2022, 4-5:30 PM
This April, my good friends Emory & Mary Fry are bottling the first vintages from their vineyards on the hillsides of the Willamette Valley – Barking Dog Winery. Each year they plan to feature work by one their artist friends on their labels. My paintings will be on their labels this inaugural year. During May, in addition to the Nocturnes in the Gallery 110’s East Gallery, I am showing my four Willamette Valley paintings in the smaller North Gallery.
Barking Dog Winery donates a portion of the sale of each bottle to chosen charities & non-profits – this year that will benefit the Gallery 110 Emerging Artist Program. I will be serving Barking Dog rosé at the reception May 6.
In addition, I will be donating all proceeds from the sale of any of my four Willamette Valley paintings to the Gallery 110 Emerging Artist Program. Please help support our Emerging Artist Program by giving one of these painting a nice new home or by buying a case of this most-excellent wine.
Email our Director Shayley Timm (copy me, as well, so I can thank you, and follow-up).
You may also donate directly to the Emerging Artist Program. All donations help.
My next Vancouver exhibition will be held in September at the Visual Space Gallery. More information to come.
SEPTEMBER 15 – 28, 2022
With great affection and respect, David