Newsletter September 2023

Dear Friends, Greetings from still-too-dry Vancouver! I’m excited to announce my September exhibit The Inlet opens this week. I have just posted 36 new works for the show and look forward to seeing you.

Nocturne - Sunset with Burrard Bridge

Nocturne – Sunset with Burrard Bridge, acrylic on multimedia artboard, 2023, 11 x 30 inches


September 14-27, 2023
Visual Space Gallery, 3352 Dunbar, Vancouver
Noon – 5PM daily. Extended hours until 8PM Tuesdays & Fridays

I will open the doors on Thursday at noon. If you make a special trip from farther away, let me know so that I can spoil you.

I welcome unscheduled walk-in visitors; if you find yourself in the neighborhood, please visit me. I will be assuming that you are vaccinated, that you are well, and that you will wear a N95 mask while inside the gallery (I’ll have extras).

If you can, please email me at and let me know the day & time you will come, and if you are bringing friends (excellent!). I will be spacing out expected visitors. I will have air purifiers on ‘turbo’ and will keep doors open to facilitate air flow. Weather permitting, we can visit outside the gallery without masks. I plan to welcome you with coffee, tea, wine, and other refreshments. Please, let us be safe!

Nocturne - Fireworks with Burrard Bridge

Nocturne – Fireworks with Burrard Bridge, acrylic on multimedia artboard, 2023, 11 x 30 inches

Website additions
Late yesterday afternoon I added an additional 36 new works to the exhibition page The Inlet. Please take a look because not all of my 62 new paintings will fit on the walls.

Ways to get together this fall
If you are out of town in September and cannot make the show:
– A quiet private tour of my new Studio 1610. It is a large, well-ventilated space and we can visit together, enjoying coffee or a glass of Pinot Noir. Contact me and let’s plan.
– Join the throngs of people visiting the 2023 East Side Culture Crawl November 16-19, 2023. Thu/Fri: 5pm-10pm. Sat/Sun: 11am-6pm.
– Set up a time to have me clean your “Haughtons”. They do get dusty – particularly those painted on hardboard. I am happy to set up a time that would be convenient for you when I can stop by and do some basic cleaning and maintenance on your pieces. The work will only take about fifteen minutes, there’s no charge, and I can hear your news.

Nocturne - Sunset, Two Ships + Regatta

Nocturne – Sunset, Two Ships + Regatta, acrylic on multimedia artboard, 2023, 11 x 30 inches

With great affection and respect, David